DellaS on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Journals and Posts

Mary Jane Temple/Edward Leroy Reeves

Looking for information regarding Mary Jane Temple born in California 08/1868. Married Edward Leroy Reeves born in Main 01/1864. 3 Children Della Viola, Mildred F, Nellie (Melba) N. 1910 they lived in Meadowlake Nevada, California. Any info would be appreciated.

Thank You

Della Seymour

Looking for information on my Great Grandfather William Roy Kendrick

Hello, I am a newbie and can really use some help. I am looking for information on My Great Grandfather and backwards. Name William Roy Kendrick, b. 04/18/1892 in Kentucky?
d. 12/13/1980 in Sebastopol, CA. 1980. He had a sister, Kathryne, b. 12/29/1887. Their father was a circut Judge in Kentucky? His mothers maiden name was Bowers. His wife's maiden name was Della Viola Reeves. They had two children. Kathryne Eugenia Kendrick, b. 01/11/1916 in California and William Roy Kendrick, b.12/13/1919. I would love to know who is father and mother was and so on into the past. Any information would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Looking for Edward L. Reeves of Maine

Hi, I am looking for my GGGrandfather. The only information that I have is. He was born 07/1864 in Maine I believe. His wife's maiden name was Mary Jane Temple, she was born 08/1868. I believe they were married 08/18, 1891 in California? The had three girls, my GGrandmother Della Viola Reeves, b. 04/27/1894. Mildred F. Reeves, b. 03/1896. Nellie (Melba) N. Reeves, b. 11/1899. That's all I have. Any information would be appreciated.

Thank You
